Reaching Out!
A request for your help...

My Beloved Clients,
As many of you know, the last couple years have offered the opportunity to grow my business. I am extremely grateful for this and to you, as your continued support is a huge part of this. That being said, and as many of you are already aware, I have unknowingly led myself into a state of all business and very little personal balance. With this new awareness, I have been looking at some of the ways to streamline and make things more efficient. I believe these changes will not only offer me some reprieve, but also offer you, my sweet and loyal flock, the consistent, high level service you deserve and have come to expect.
One of the first things I respectfully ask to shift in this process, is how we communicate.
For the love of Accountability! :)
Moving forward, I ask that you send any correspondence by email or through my web page. I have recently had a couple of miscommunications that led to a very stressful and unfortunate experience for both the client and myself, and this cannot happen again.
I will no longer be accepting texts to book or change appointments. Please call or text if it is an emergency or a notification that you are late for your same day appointment.
My Dearest Brides- This is of utmost importance.
I have written it into my contract, but often the little details go overlooked, or are forgotten in the abundance of info that is thrown at you when planning such an occasion. With up to 40 brides a year to keep track of, and many others inquiring, I politely request your assistance in keeping our communication consistent and accountable.
Please avoid Facebook messages; It is my personal FB, and not my work page. I do not check it every day and there is no accountability for me, regarding follow up. You are unable to send me messages through the Inspirado page for this reason as well. Things were being missed. ( I may be deleting FB in the near future if this does not change)
Same goes for Instagram/Twitter/Linked-In. Although I am contacted there occasionally by new clients, I would ask that my existing clientele respect my desire for consistent and responsible communication. If you want to share a creative idea or post that you’re inspired by- absolutely! I love it. Keep ‘em coming. However, when it comes to booking, or changes, please use email or your account in my booking system.
When referring new clients, please direct them to my website, or have them call me. Often they are looking for prices and those are also listed on the website.
I am offering 2 platforms ( plus calls) through which we can communicate, so that I am not challenged to monitor 6-8 different ones in an attempt to keep up. It has become overwhelming, and I would rather give my energy and focus to you where it counts: In the chair.
To book online, here is the web link:
All you have to do is click on the "Contact" button and then you'll see a large "Book Appointment" button. The rest is fairly fill in the blanks. :)
When logging into your account online, please use the email you provided on your "Client Info Form" ( first visit paperwork). If you have a new one or any updated information, please email me the changes and I will adjust the system for you.
Should you have any issues with logging in, please give me a shout during regular business hours, send me an email anytime: , or mention it to me at your next appointment and I will walk you through the process on my computer.
To those of you already into the online booking: Many thanks!
I hope these requests do not come off as targeted or rude. That is the last thing I would ever want. My intention is to help make things more efficient, for both sides. If for some reason, you feel singled out- Please know that the reasons for change have occurred more than once, and by multiple people. I understand that what I do, is a very personal experience and I love that I develop connections of the heart with many of you. I would like to keep it that way. It’s often what fuels me! So, rather than be distracted by my phone during your appointments, or trying to multitask someone’s last minute changes, I ask that you help me with these small shifts, so that I can always be at my best for you. (Flu bugs aside. Those guys don’t care what either of us having going on.) ;)
Moving Forward:
Winter Hours: November- April
WED: 12-8
THU: 12-8
FRI: 10-6
** If you would like an appointment outside of posted days or can't find something that works- send me a request via email. Often I am able to move some things around and will look into it.
Summer Hours: May- October
TUES: 10-4
WED: 12-8
THU: 12-8
FRI: 10-4
If you have made it this far: Thank you all so much for reading this through to the end! Y’all know I’m not short on words. ;)
But in all seriousness, please know how much I appreciate your understanding, and future efforts. You keep my business alive and growing. I can’t tell you how much it means to me, and how grateful I am to be surrounded by such beautiful and kind humans all the time.
Respectfully Yours,