Get Salon Results At Home!
Get Hands ON with YOUR tools, YOUR hair & my tips and tricks!
I never want you to have to experience a bad hair day, so after many requests for help, I've created some styling lessons just for you! There will be options running mostly Mondays from 6:30 to 8 PM, and the occasional Saturday or Sunday in the afternoon. Class sizes will be small ( 8 or less) to ensure everyone gets the help they are looking for.
Choose individually at $30, or purchase a set of four for $100, and save! Want to bring your bestie to class? The packages are transferable and shareable! They also make great gifts.
Who has a birthday coming up??
Wink, Wink, Nudge, Nudge.
Here is the current class schedule:
# Day Date Time- PM Class Title
1 MON 25-Feb-19 6:30-8 FLAT IRON CURLS 101
2 MON 4-Mar-19 6:30-8 5 MINUTE MORNING
3 SAT 9-Mar-19 2-3:30 5 MINUTE MORNING
4 MON 11-Mar-19 6:30-8 BEGINNER BRAIDS
5 SAT 16-Mar-19 2-3:30 FLAT IRON CURLS 101
6 MON 18-Mar-19 6:30-8 PRODUCT & HAIR HEALTH
7 SUN 24-Mar-19 2-3:30 DADDY DAUGHTER DAY
8 MON 25-Mar-19 6:30-8 UP-DO YOU
9 MON 1-Apr-19 6:30-8 5 MINUTE MORNING
10 MON 8-Apr-19 6:30-8 FLAT IRON CURLS 101
11 SAT 13-Apr-19 2-3:30 PUMP UP THE VOLUME
12 MON 15-Apr-19 6:30-8 PUMP UP THE VOLUME
13 SAT 27-Apr-19 2-3:30 I HATE MORNINGS
14 MON 29-Apr-19 6:30-8 CURLY HAIR DON'T CARE
15 MON 6-May-19 6:30-8 FLAT IRON CURLS 101
16 SAT 11-May-19 10-11:30 MOTHER DAUGHTER DAY ( AM class)
17 MON 13-May-19 6:30-8 VINTAGE REVIVAL
18 MON 27-May-19 6:30-8 BEYOND THE FRENCH
Class Descriptions:
Own a flat iron? Want to curl your hair with it, but struggle to make it happen? This is the class for you! Bring your iron in with you and I will show you how to make the magic really happen. The class will start with a live tutorial and then you will have a mannequin to practice on, and one on one with Kris to ensure that the techniques are something you can take home.
#thestruggleisreal Want to look presentable but don't really have the time to do so? I hear ya. And I also have your back on this one. Come learn some quick tips and tricks to make mornings a breeze! Even when you've hit snooze, for the 5th time.
In this class you will learn 3 braids: The Classic French, The Fishtail and the Rope. The class will start with a live tutorial and then you will have a mannequin to practice on, and one on one with Kris to trouble shoot any issues you may have. Bring a friend so you can practice together and really make sure the lessons stick!
Curious to learn more about what's in your products and how they could be best contributing to create more ease in your styling routine? In this class we will be discussing the most common types of products, what they are best used for, the hair types most suited to each and damage control. Preventative hair care and post damage hair care will also be discussed. This class will include a hand out and an email follow up for your reference.
Know any single fathers that could use a little guidance in the styling department?? Perhaps simply some bonding time together is in order. Kids hair is not easy to work with, but it can be done…without the use of the vaccuum. ( If you haven't already seen the 'Vaccuum ponytail' it's on YouTube. Clever yet...ewwwww) Let's break some stereotypes and get those gents and little ladies working together on this! No tools required, safe products, elastics and clips provided in the class cost. Due to the extra seating required in this class, only 4 pairs in this session. Yay- extra help!
Have a basic handle on curls and braids, but looking to up your game? Frustrated over a Pinterest style that has left you baffled in how it was done? After having created more than 1000 up-do's in my wedding and work history…I have a few tricks up my sleeve. In this class you will learn about the difference in the pin types, how to best use each of them, as well as the best products for your hair type, proper product stacking ( order to use them in) and accessory options. You will be shown three different look options and have some mannequin time, and hands on time to practice.
Fine hair? Heavy hair? Nasty cowlick? Flat head? (I'm not here to judge… I own 3 of 4 those.) This class is all about the right tools, products and techniques to combat whichever issue you may be facing. Blow out techniques and brushes will also be covered. Bigger IS Better. Come and get it!!
Anyone else feel me on this?? Well let me help you turn that hate into…mild irritation. I'm not going to claim rainbows and butterflies, as I can't make your job start any later, but I can help you find a few extra minutes to sleep in with a set of tried and trusted tricks to make morning so smooth, you'll think you've added whiskey to that coffee. This class is the only one in the series that tackles hair & make-up. Calling all my night owls!
Curly hair lives in its own reality. It does what it wants, when it wants, and what it wants- is generally the opposite of what you want. If you find this in any way relatable, this class is for you. We will talk product, hair cuts, frizz fighting and battle winning. I promise, though there may be some compromises, this class is designed to make you the victor, not your hair. Because I care, even if your curls don't.
Are you missing the 'girly gene'? Grew up tomboy? Feel like YouTube makes things look so easy but your dexterity disagrees? Then this class is for you and your little lady /ladies. Similar to Daddy Daughter Day…bring the little and have some bonding time while learning tips and trick to making mornings and 'crazy hair day' more fun! Due to pairing numbers this class will max out at 5 fabulous Mama's. No tools required, safe products, elastics and clips provided in the class cost.
A more advanced class for the ladies who have a love of vintage style. Learn how to create that sleek victory roll, that silky Jessica Rabbit long wave, and a quick and easy pin up style to compliment any night out. This class requires you bring a 1" curling iron and be comfortable using it. Pre-requisites not necessary, but Pump up the Volume(11, 12) and Up-Do You (8 ) may give you a leg up with some prior pinning, product stacking and back-combing practice.
If you took Beginner Braids and are looking to keep adding to your repertoire, this is the class! In this one we will tackle the Inverted French, Four-Strand brain, Chain braid, as well as tips and tricks to create those Pinterest worthy pull out braids, that you can take straight to Coachella. If you have not taken Beginner Braids (4) then you must be comfortable with the creation of a traditional French braid, Fishtail braid and Rope braid to get the most out of this class.
If you'd like to book a class or are looking for more information, please contact us through the website
or: send an email to:
or call 778-214-1894.
Something I've missed that you'd like to learn? Please send me an email and let me know your thoughts! I'm always open to adding new classes and love to share anything that makes life a little smoother. Catch me here: